
100DaysOfAI Day 001

Today is the 100 days of AI setup day from #100DaysOfAI. This is a challenge similar to 90 days of code, where you work on coding every day for 90 days. But in this case, I’ll be getting bite-sized chunks of AI knowledge. In theory, I am beyond this, but by practicing daily, I think I should make strong progress by the second Phase of the 3 phase program.

I am going to map out my progress here textually. This will give me a framework to follow every day. Of course, it would be ideal for me to incorporate AI into this down the road

  • 5:30am wakeup: do a quick wakeup routine to get pumped for the day. I use a system i call Wakeup Wins: After waking, I power through 5 tasks that start with W’s. An example this morning is:
    • wake – wake without alarm
    • water – drink a cup or two of water
    • workout – small workout to stretch and get blood pumping to brain
    • write – quick morning pages to get me into my day
    • work – launch into my morning work task 30 minutes of AI
  • do the AI challenge every day
    • get the email
    • import/massage it into Obsidian (my notetaking app)
    • start a blog post with todays challenge
    • if there is an obstacle :
      • I have until the end of the day to finish the task. I will finish it either during lunch
  • share what i’ve learned
    • write insights about what i’ve learned today (should i post to youtube as well?)

Day one is a setup day. There is onboarding info provided with some basics of AI. Setup email box to receive daily mails. Post publicly joining this challenge. For me this includes posting about it on my blog.

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